Maintaining Your Credential

Download the BPM Certification Maintenance Journal

We would also like to offer you a valuable tool called the "BPM Certification Maintenance Journal" to record your credits offline, through your computer. The provided excel sheet contains instructions and macros for you to easily record all your recertification credits each year. Then when you are ready to recertify, you can simply enter your credit totals in your online journal below to complete the process. As a final step, you can also upload your journal as an attachment to your credits to keep a backup. 

Click here to download your free copy of the BPM Certification Maintenance Journal.


Recertification Policy & Requirements

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Certificate is valid for 3 years

To complete your CBPA recertification, you must complete all of the following:

  1. Maintain an ABPMP Professional Membership
  2. Complete and log 30 hours of continuing professional education activities
  3. Pay the non-refundable recertification fee
  4. Update your current mailing address to include street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country.

     Or you may opt to re-take the CBPA Exam in place of submitting CPE Activities


To complete your CBPP recertification, you must complete all of the following:

  1. Maintain an ABPMP Professional Membership
  2. Complete and log 60 hours of continuing professional education activities
  3. Pay the non-refundable recertification fee
  4. Update your current mailing address to include street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country.

     Or you may opt to re-take the CBPP Exam in place of submitting CPE Activities


Some example CPE activities include:

  1. Courses, Training, Seminars
  2. Professional association events
  3. Writing, Presenting, Teaching

No more than 30 CPE credits can be credited from any one category of activity in each three year period.

The non-refundable fee for recertification is $75.00 (USD).

Enter Your Credits Pay Recertification Fee


All BPM certification holders are required to complete 60 credits for professional development through continuing professional education (CPE) or the equivalent (see below) every three years to maintain the currency and validity of their certification. 

Upon successfully entering your CPE credits and paying the non-refundable recertification fee, your updated CBPP® certification diploma will be mailed to the address on your user profile within 30 business days from approval.


Recertification Period

The recertification period begins on the issued date of your certification. CPE credits toward recertification should be reported prior to the end of the three year period. There will be a 120 day grace period following the last day of the recertification period in which reporting recertification credits will still be accepted as long as the credit was earned during the recertification period.

Failure to complete the required CPE credits in any recertification period or after the grace period will result in the suspension of the certification and you will be required to re-take of the CBPA/CBPP exam. If a new examination is not completed within one year, the certification will be revoked.


Professional Development

Recertification credits are awarded for various types of professional development activities. Satisfactory compliance with these guidelines allows the continued use of the CBPP® designation.

Activities aligned to the knowledge areas in the ABPMP BPM CBOK® and related subjects generally qualify.

Some examples of qualifying programs are in-house training, professional conferences, college and university classes, or training provided by an ABPMP International Registered Training Provider. Many other activities such as participating in ABPMP programs, presenting at conferences, writing articles, and developing training also qualify.

The following programs which contribute to the member's professional competence are examples of the types of activities that are applicable toward recertification.

No more than 30 CPE credits can be credited from any one category of activity in each three year period.

Enter Your Credits Pay Recertification Fee


ABPMP International Participation

  • ABPMP Committees (1 CPE credit for each hour in committee meetings)
  • ABPMP Leadership (10 CPE credits/yr for serving as a committee chair, chapter officer or director of ABPMP Int'l)
  • Contributions to the BPM CBOK® development (1 CPE credit for each hour of participation)
  • Submitting questions for the CBPP exam bank (1 CPE credit for every 1 question accepted)
  • ABPMP Educational Meetings (1 CPE credit for each hour of attendance at an ABPMP meeting or event)
  • Taking university/college courses (20 CPE credits per class)
  • Taking Registered Training Provider (RTP) training classes (1 CPE credit per classroom hour)
  • In-house training (1 CPE credit per classroom hour, must submit documentation for approval)
  • Self-Study (1 CPE credit per study hour, must submit documentation for approval)
  • Teaching University/College courses (20 CPE credits per unique class taught)
  • Presenting training classes (1 CPE credit per contact hour per unique course, RTP or in-house training)
  • Developing a Registered Training Provider (RTP) training or university class (10 CPE credits per course title)
  • Developing an in-house training class (1 CPE credit per training hour)
  • BPM Books (30 CPE credits per title)
  • BPM related Articles/Blogs (5 CPE credits per publication)
  • BPM related Case studies/Analyses/White Papers (5 CPE credits per publication)
Other Professional Activities
  • BPM related public presentations (conference session, case studies, etc.) (5 CPE credit per title)
  • Earning another professional certification (30 CPE for earning a related professional
    designation such as PMP, CBAP, CBA, CSA, CDMP, CBIP, CCP –does not include training program certificates)
  • Response to BPM questions posted on ABPMP LinkedIn Group Discussion page (1 CPE credit for each 2 questions answered)
  • Practicing in the BPM space (5 CPE credits per year - Maximum of 15 CPEs for each 3 year renewal period)

To determine equivalent CPE credits use the following:

Programs from associations granting CEUs (continuing education units): number of CEUs = CPE credits. For programs which do not state the number of hours use: 1 CPE for every contact hour (do not include time for breaks, lunch, etc)


Members report compliance by submitting their professional development activities online at and paying the recertification fee. Credits in excess of the 60 required may be credited to the following period only if they were earned in the last 6 months of the current recertification

Documentation and Record Retention

All submissions are subject to review, audit and approval by ABPMP International. Certificate holders bear responsibility for maintaining documentation of compliance with CPE requirements for a period of three years in case they are audited. For each program the following must be maintained:


  • Title and description of content
  • Date(s)
  • Location
  • Copies of published articles must be maintained
  • Documentation for submitted activities must include a certificate, grade report, transcript, or other material received from the activity sponsor.
  • Documentation for authoring a book is the ISBN, Library of Congress Number or copy of the title
    page and table of contents
  • Sponsoring organizations may submit educational evidence of completion on behalf of certification holders.